Big Springs Natural Spring Water has undergone all relevant accreditation inspection and testing procedures to ensure the highest quality product, plant and bottling procedures are assured at all times. Big Springs is in the top five percent of internationally recognised bottling plants for our spring water source, processes, controls, plant and all operational procedures.
Accreditation undertaken includes:
- Independent HACCP accreditation annually
- Certified Plant Operators
Spring water laboratory testing includes:
- Monthly, annually and four yearly external N.A.T.A registered laboratory testing and monitoring
- Daily in-house testing and monitoring
- Weekly external laboratory testing and monitoring
Inspection and testing procedures undertaken includes:
- Wagga Wagga City Council – consent to operate a bottling factory
- Wagga Wagga City Council – Food Premises Inspection – Compliance with the NSW Food Act 2003 and the NSW Food Regulation Act 2004 which incorporates the National Food Safety Standards Code